So I have been seeing recent Cadbury Bournvita ad-Bournvita Race.I watched it over and over again before it clicked that there was some thing different about it. Here’s how it goes: A mother is seen continuously  doing running exercises with her kid and the kid is learning a few lessons-perseverance, healthy living , winning etc.Great stuff!
However, what struck as very now is the setting….where is the father? This absolutely keys into a core consumer insight and the  current situation we see around us of absentee fathers and the fact that more mothers are having to teach their kids the values that fathers traditionally were meant to do.

The mothers are single by choice or circumstance and no longer want to play victims to society. They are standing up for themselves and building values and good habits in their children; not leaving their sons out.

It shows the sensitivity of the brand to the fact that there is a whole demographic out there other than the usual dad and son rhetoric that needs to be catered to.

This advert underscores the significance of research in brand building because aside from being relevant, it is also aspirational– a LOT of mothers -aspire to take charge of their health and that of their families-husbands or not. Kudos to the Team for hitting this nail on the head and  further empowering women by helping them see themselves as role models too in their homes!

Have you seen an ad that speaks to the changing family structures recently?

Do let us know!

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